The Passionate Life And Work of Jesus Christ Is Up To Us To Complete
(All Bible references are from the New American Standard Bible.)
Questions: Do you believe that Jesus Christ came here to atone for the sins of Man? To be a blood sacrifice to a just and angry God? To pay the price for our sins and save us from eternal damnation?
If so, then please keep reading because in this essay I am going to do my best to demolish such ideas in order to expose what I consider as the horrific anti-life agenda behind them. Incredibly, billions of sincere, good-hearted people throughout history have been co-opted by the very lies Jesus came here to bury, once and for all.
First of all, there is no actual forgiveness of sin since there is no condemnation of sin. God is Love and Love does not condemn. “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him. (1 John 4:16)
Sin is the very understandable, innocent ignorance of our actual, always-existing unity with God. To an individual born into a world of staggering beauty and horrific suffering, God seems to be at a great distance, indeed. However, this is not true. We miss the Presence of God not because of some great distance, but because God is so close. We don’t see the forest for the trees.
Jesus said, “I and the Father are one,” (John 10:30), which means blood sacrifice is not needed for the forgiveness of sins. “What are your many sacrifices to Me?” Says the LORD. “I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fattened cattle; And I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats.” (Isaiah 1:11)
The idea of vicarious atonement for sin is absolute nonsense. I, and only I, am responsible for my actions and their consequences. Only I can save me from myself with sincere repentance. Fabricating scapegoats out of thin air to bear the weight of my choices does not work; it merely transfers personal responsibility to another, otherwise known as blame.
Scapegoats are created by the refusal to self-own: the failure to be accountable for oneself. Enabling our childish irresponsibility is the wool we pull over our own eyes. This is what blinds us from the searing truth of our utter Unity with God.
Love does not need appeasement, and does not ask for anything except for more Love. The only demand Love makes is to recognize the Love of God as our own nature, (to love like God loves), and to not descend into mere ideas and concepts of God.
More of What Jesus Said
In the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:45, Jesus said:“so that you may prove yourselves to be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Contrary to popular belief, God does not judge, condemn, or withdraw into a divine huff. When you water your garden, the water doesn’t discriminate between the tomatoes and the weeds. This is a good metaphor for how the Love of God includes all things and is all-pervasive. There is no place where God is not. Being separate from God is impossible.
Jesus also said:“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field.” (Matthew 13:44). “ Nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.” ( Luke 17:21)
The Heart of Mankind
All Jesus’ remarks lead me to believe that sin is not something we inherited from Adam and Eve, but rather it is about missing truth shining in our hearts. This is what makes Jesus an extremely valuable example: he demonstrates human life without sin since sin assumes separation from God.
In the heart of every individual, the Kingdom of Heaven is transcendentally, and immanently, located. It is the Heart of Mankind within the Temple of the Body: the actual Garden of Eden, Domain of Light, Freedom, Happiness, and Well Being.
The original Gospel of Jesus Christ declares the Always, Already Existing, Inherent, Utter, Prior Unity with God. Not only does God exist, but that only God exists. That’s why it’s called the Good News. Jesus was about Love – nothing less. Empire, bricks and mortar are just about empire bricks and mortar – nothing more.
Therefore, we must reestablish the Kingdom of Heaven and rebuild the Temple of the Body in our lives and in our world. This is the work of those who dare to take up the mantle of the Living Christ. Jesus calls us to realize what he realized, and not just to believe IN him. His Gospel is the discovery and realization of the true nature of Reality Itself.
Beliefs and concepts are the temporary place-holders for truth but can never replace it. This is important to understand because beliefs and concepts only hold our place in line until our hearts can see. For those with hearts that see, our task is to replace and restore Empire’s lifeless narrative with the truth of seamless unity with God.
Full STOP: Discern Lies from Love
Those who expose emperors who have no clothes risk their lives. Jesus, Lincoln, JFK, Martin, Bobby Sr., John Jr., Lennon, Malcolm, Gandhi, Tesla, Julian and many, many others, all paid the price for telling the truth. Their commitment now becomes our mandate.
Taking up the Mantle of the Living Christ means we begin when we stop believing lies. Let us all be devoted to, and deadly serious about, that which is True, that which is Real. The way forward is to recognize the many lies we have unwittingly inherited as we see through them to what is accurate.
The Good News of Jesus Christ continues to be more than sufficient to restore ourselves and our entire planetary society. Everyone knows that Love is both real and central to happiness. Light, freedom and happiness are not hidden; they are the nature of Reality itself. This is neither esoteric nor secret; the True Nature of Reality is free to all and cannot be owned or controlled by priest, doctor, or scientist.
The Holy work of Jesus Christ will grow as we each awaken to the Condition of all conditions: the Conscious Living Light that is Alive as All Things. The refusal to face this blessed truth about Life is the long and winding road to hell that we create, not God, who would never do such a terrible thing. Only we liars are capable of such a monstrosity.
Our unity with God as individuals and nations is not something to achieve. It is only to be deeply understood as being already true. By taking responsibility for realizing, as Jesus did, the Truth of the Living God Alive as Existence Itself, we carry on his passionate work. No belief or doctrine surpasses or compares to the whole-body/mind awareness of the Truth of Love.