Sex, Truth, and Masculinity
The secret to authentic masculine power is hidden in sex.
I’m not talking about sexual intercourse or about how to give her an orgasm. I’m talking about the fact that this universe is 100% electromagnetic and that electricity is the masculine side of the equation. Magnetism is the feminine side.
Electricity creates magnetic fields, and magnetic fields create electricity. A coin has 2 sides too, which is a metaphor for how the Singularity is one, but appears as two polar opposites. Duality is proof of oneness.
- The electric current discharges energy from a negative pole to a positive one, a pulse that creates a wave.
- The negative magnetic feminine field is a toroidal ring that then curves around the positive electric masculine pulse, like a doughnut around your finger. The masculine aspect of the toroidal ring is straight, centrifugal, analytical and expressive. The feminine is curved, centripetal, intuitive and receptive. Every letter of the alphabet is a line or a curve, or both.
The Electricity Model of Relationship
If you want to be fully masculine, understanding the primacy of electricity is essential. I have observed and now comprehend the dynamics of pulse, followed by, rest. This simple fact has rocked my world.
She is the Earth; he is the Sun. Every morning she stretches and opens to his glorious light and warmth. She cannot get enough of his light and love. He penetrates her with his love, and she incubates and nurtures his masculine power – returning the favor with children, food and openhearted warmth.
In our world, we are witnessing the long-term effects of emotional and sexual obstructions between men and women. The current long-suffering narrative of how the Patriarchy has fucked women over so badly, and dominated them so brutally, has made the feminist movement inevitable.
Many men are selfish pricks who don’t care about women and only want to get laid. Looks like the sisters have had to retreat among themselves, become lesbians, and maintain solidarity in the absence of real men in order to protect their sanity. I do agree that men can be pricks, but the problem is much more terrible than this.
Down and Dirty Truth
The problem is the failure of us men, and women, to understand ourselves at the deepest and most fundamental level. Instead of red-blooded men and women who are passionate and powerful, we have labels and political categories for each other. Instead of mutual respect and emotional/spiritual intimacy and support, we have poor me, fuck you, which is simply blame and withdrawal.
Women hate men because we betrayed them. We betrayed them because we betrayed ourselves. We betrayed ourselves when we believed the lies that we were told by those who were also lied to: our parents, priests and professors.
Forget about those liars, no matter how well-meaning they might have been. Forget about them, they didn’t know any better. The real problem comes not from the liars, but from the believers. They can safely be ignored because they are irrelevant to solving the problem.
What cannot be ignored is what you are as a man.
As a man you are:
• Alive as the power and brilliance of love, care and protection
• Polarized as the masculine pole of love on earth, power and intention
• The husband caretaker of the vineyard of the feminine
• The seed bearer who impregnates the earth with vision, purpose and destiny
• The masculine bank which steadfastly bears the weight of the passionately tumultuous feminine river of love, grace and beauty.
We have forgotten that Life is sacred, that love is central to all life, and that we have the power to overcome the loveless agendas of this world.
Light up the Dark
Women hate men for very good reasons. As men, we are obligated to respond well. We didn’t see ourselves clearly so we couldn’t see them. Those days are over. It is urgently necessary that all men, everywhere, step-up by immediately abandoning all notions of manhood that ignore the core reality of masculinity: Light.
What the woman needs more than anything is the light and warmth of your living heart to shine in the cavernous darkness of her infinite nature. Otherwise, she eats you alive in her contempt. That’s Kali, the East-Indian Goddess of destruction. She wears the skulls of those she has slain around her neck.
The feminine is dark, cold and aloof. She is starving to death, shivering in the cold emptiness of your muted Light. She does have her own Light and she doesn’t actually need yours, but most don’t know that. All she knows is that it’s cold.
What happened to you? What do you shine your Light on? Video games? Porn? Alcohol? What happened to your good intentions?
She doesn’t want you to worship her or to make her the central focus of your life. That’s just the conventional, default position she takes absent her own spiritual development. Worshiping her is the version that men fall prey to when what they want is too small.
She wants you to meet your highest calling as a man; she wants to see the results of your sincere devotion to truth and love. She wants you to love her properly and completely. How so?
You do this by “installing structural supports and bulkheads in her terrain” designed to correctly hold and contain her watery passion. Otherwise, the river floods the village when dikes and levees are absent or damaged.
You have the honor to serve and support her as the river bank and you will either build her bulkheads, waterways and aqueducts or drown with the rest of the villagers.
Wow! I feel honored, Was that was written for me? Robert wrote that ? The thought behind the spoken words are beyond deep, it portrays a knowing and understanding within you Robert, that even you may not yet be aware of. I would say, within you both is a wealthy spring just starting to be tapped. It’s no coincidence. Your time is now, very obviously, by a divine plan, The flow from your rich waters will quench the thirst of many. I am truly touched. Thanks again, my dear brother and sister ,with Love these words, Gloria
Gloria. The fabulous thing is that everyone has immediate access to perfect wisdom because of the simple fact that we are aware and that this awareness is infinite. Awareness is stainless, flawless and free of all positions. Our origin is pure which means we are pure, not things, not labels, but one Living Awareness appearing as 2. When this is understood, fasten your seat belt.
Yes Robert, thank you for this article! As always, your thoughts are very strong.
There is a problem..
I like your view on it.
It is debatable. Better be..
Ying Yang…
+ –
Earth Sun
The ancient balance is lost..
Why, how?
What can be done to restore it..
So many facets to this problem:
Lost initiation rights, Groomed history,
Misrepresentation of reality, Religion power grab..
Endless books, discussions, and research.
Your thoughts are very valuable and calling for deep thinking and a conversation!..
We restore ourselves to it by understanding that awareness is flawless, stainless and free of all viewpoints, labels and beliefs. We are that awareness first then we accumulate ideas about it that are limited.
I’d like to follow up on Mir’s comment. I agree that the male/female disconnect is indeed complex. It appears your focus is passionately on the problem as essentially individual and that men need to take some new action. I also agree that regardless of the source of the condition, the condition is changed only by individual men taking appropriate action to remedy the situation for themselves personally.
That being true, I believe you underestimate the influence of the culture in creating and inflaming the situation. Otherwise a man is left, once again believing there is one more thing that is wrong with him and wondering how he can pull himself out of the quicksand by himself.
I would encourage him to ask the question, what is it about this society that leaves its male members disconnected from their authentic, nature-given masculine essence? I say this because without understanding the forces which threw them so far off track, they will not be adequately prepared to take the steps necessary for healing what is in reality a multi-generational wound.
Keep up the good work.
I agree with this which is why my emphasis will be on the fact that men and women are already flawless and complete and have no need for improved or upgraded self images. Our awareness is wide open and free of all circumstances and identities and exists as the presence of love and power. The culture is not the cause of our suffering, we suffer from not noticing our profound magnificence as timeless infinite awareness. The men’s group is for noticing and celebrating this, not to add yet another burden, so thank you for this comment