The primal and sacred nature of Reality is a singular, radiant field of infinite awareness. Once recognized, chronic identification with a separate, suffering, egoic self evaporates and our core nature as the State of Love shines so bright that it knocks you off your feet.

This stunning awareness is true renewal; it replaces the co-dependent and reactive ego with the one Self alive as all beings, effortlessly aligned with Consciousness. False beliefs embedded  and conditioned by society become obvious. All manners of self-deception and delusion give way to the joy of existing, of Being itself, our natural state.

Everyone who opens to, and surrenders to, the majesty of life’s Presence receives blessings beyond what ego could even imagine. Relinquishing identification with the separate self provides an astronomical benefit far beyond any loss. Profoundly deep intimacy with all life unfolds as awestruck humility and surrender become our daily experience.

One by one, a new human collective powerfully grows into a world based on the State of Love, trust, and caring; a world that works for everyone.

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
 ~ Friedrich Nietzsche


I would say Lion’s Roar Ministry is like no other, for it comes by way of two amazing human beings, Susan and Robert, who in their own lives have had challenges, as we all have. They address what appears as both their blatant and elusive challenges with a higher understanding that these challenges are, instead, opportunities.

What I saw was a focus based on an open dialogue of sharing as well as listening as if to say, “we’re all in this together, and together we can rise with a higher understanding of ourselves to make life better.”

I hope anyone out there who feels the call to connect with Susan and Robert in Lion’s Roar Ministry will do so and get as much out of it as I have.

Gloria G