
Lions Roar Ministry gestated in the womb of our human suffering, and was born as a heartfelt response to the catastrophic psychosis now gripping planet Earth.

We consider the implosion of human civilization to be totally understandable, absolutely inevitable and perfectly necessary given the false and baseless assumptions of our planetary culture. We should not be surprised to witness the crumbling away and disintegration of society, a destructive process we ourselves necessitated by the capitulation of our humanity to the narcissistic monsters we, ourselves, authorized. “A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves”.

The ugly truth is, the human species continues to collude with the monsters and overlords created from our own negligence, born from the ashes of personal and collective inability to see clearly. We ignore it instead of noticing the obvious, glaring, staggering. jaw-dropping beauty and magnificence of life.

The separate self is an inherited illusion; so often built from the dramatization of rejection, blame, self-pity, and emotional collapse. These qualities of the individual become extremely convenient as justifications for violence against perpetrators of our own self-assigned victimhood. They are the false-self projected onto the beauty and innocence of our True Nature. We call this: the Poor Me/F*** You Syndrome (PMFYS) so common in the world today.

This makes us the traitors. We are the ones who unwittingly rejected the truth of life. We believed the lies we were told, and now the world we built on top of those lies is disintegrating before our very eyes.

The Lion Roars to awaken the heart buried beneath mountains and centuries of lies about who and what we are. Nothing real will be lost.

Floored by the Light!