God is Alive as You
Unable to stomach the gore and stench of all the rotting corpses strewn about everywhere, I plugged the hole in my side with my fist and managed to crawl to the side of the road and into a ditch. I could see lights and cars driving past and then I must have passed out.
When I woke up, I was surrounded by doctors and nurses who were saying things I could not understand. They were Americans but they all spoke a language I had never heard before. It sounded like frogs and growls and muffled screams that would burst into this word or that. I was already feeling like I had been run over and for good reason.
Born in Captivity
Apparently, I was born into some kind of prison or insane asylum that was also a some kind of front for the Mafia or the CIA, I had no idea at the time. After years of electro-shock therapy to cure my genetically inherited disease, my jaws cracked from biting down so hard, so they gave me medicine to treat what is called ODD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder. This dreadful disease is listed in the Psychiatrics Diagnostic Manual with the breakthrough treatments for it. It is incurable, but there are ways to mitigate it through drugs like meta-amphetamines and anti-depressants.
In my case, since surgery was needed to realign the bones in my face, which had mostly shattered into little pieces. My doctors decided that moving me to another facility would be best and that’s when I got run over.
You see, I had been raised in the Roman Catholic Church and when I managed to escape, I was immediately captured by their agents who pretended to be my friends. They said they could help me stay hidden from the Priests in Black Robes if I gave them some information. They said they could install new software and I could then upload myself into the cloud. That sounded great to me, so I took the shot and the next thing I know, I am looking up at a bunch of Doctors in White Coats.
It was then that my point of view shifted and I was on the ceiling looking down. I could see myself being born and needles being inserted into my bloodstream. They both took blood out and brought in genetically engineered nano particles that formed structures throughout my body. Like military outposts, guards with guns patrolled the area, looking for patches of sunlight that may have gotten through the barricades.
Jim and Me
My mother was smiling weakly and I found myself in my 6th grade classroom at St Helen’s Catholic Church. The Principal, Sister Rita Therese, was explaining to us that only Catholics would go to Heaven.
That’s when my older brother, Jim, stood up and said:”Wait a minute! My Dad’s not Catholic and he’s a good man and he should get to go to Heaven too!”
He was silenced by the authorities and became a dangerous juvenile delinquent who hated everybody but me. I was the only one who understood how he defended his father and got smashed by the System; everybody else thought he was just dangerous. I knew him to be brave and he knew that I knew that. I recognized him.
Out of the Ditch
So, after dying in the ditch for a few decades, all the flesh and bones and DNA engineering and religious superstition and scientific materialism and cultural psychosis all got digested by the soil bacteria and used to build an actual, functional adult. The Human Operating System was re-booted and restored to its capacity to embody the Presence, an innate ability possessed by everyone.
Possession however, does not mean activation or functionality. Oh no, the programming saw to that. But in my case, the programming rotted away and I was left intact. No body. No mind. Up on the ceiling, looking down at my life. From this 360-degree panoramic viewpoint, I could see what happened to the human race.
The shock and vulnerability of infinite consciousness suddenly appearing as an apparent individual in a human birth is immediately seized upon by hostile predators, lizards who rob the eggs of other creatures. Stealing eggs is efficient: you can also hatch them and turn them into monsters and weapons. Reptiles are master predators who love the warm blood of mammals.
Beyond the Dark Side
So here’s the thing I’m getting to: All our cultural programming, the beliefs, the co-dependent rackets, the lingering childishness, the victim/perpetrator collusions, the dramatization of betrayal, all the backwash and upsurge of neglected treasures and emotional collapses are all Outshined and illuminated through the destruction of all things false, so don’t sweat it. Welcome it. Welcome the destruction of all the things you thought were you but are not.
You are the Light of the world. Your Light illuminates the images and names you call yourself, but is not limited to them or by them. You don’t have to go looking for light or love because you are Love Itself; you just have believed otherwise. However, beliefs don’t determine truth. Find out what is true about you. Be responsible for and to your essential Self and forget the rest.
The Lion’s Roar way is to recognize what already exists and is true: the astronomically spectacular Miracle of the Presence of Life. You are that. You HAVE a body but you are not a body or anything else. You are the Presence of God, no other conclusion is possible. No other explanation accounts for your experience as the Conscious Aliveness that is always at the center of your every experience.
God is Alive as you. Little ole you. Go figure.