
“Fire is to represent truth because it destroys all sophistry and lies; and the mask is for lying and falsehood which conceal truth.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

God  The radiant field of conscious light alive as all beings, states and conditions. The infinite and eternal Presence of life and love.

Note: We consider the following to be equivalent names, and the same definition as, for God, which is why we capitalize them.

The Singular Being of Existence, The One Light Shining in the Heart of All Beings, the Condition of all conditions, Consciousness, Context, Essence, Presence, Reality, Being, Self, Self Existent Being, the State of Love and True Nature.


Adulthood   The realization of one’s Essence as the State of Love and the ability to sustain it under all conditions. The freedom to live without self-pity, withdrawal, blame or emotional collapse.

Attention  The ability to focus Consciousness. Attention is true currency; we PAY Attention, We SPEND time. Whatever we pay attention to grows and develops because attention is life energy.

Authentic Spiritual Practice  The recognition of the Essence of oneself and all others;  the willingness to confront the ways in which we prevent and obstruct the State of Love. The ordeal of purification and destruction of all things false and non-essential. Enlightenment is a subtractive, deconstructive process that removes all that is not you from you.

Body/Mind  The singular radiant transcendental Consciousness that appears as space and time. The mind is the inside of the body, the body is the outside of the mind. When we look from the body, Consciousness appears as space. When we look from the mind, Consciousness appears as time.

Content  The forms and objects made from Consciousness: body/mind, universe, thoughts, perceptions, emotions, desires, beliefs, people, places and things.

Control  Ego-based strategies for securing freedom from change and death. The imposition of expectation and the agenda to create immunity from change.

Dualism  The perception of opposites.

Ego  The “Poor me/F*** you” Syndrome (PMFYS).  The dramatization of rejection which enables the justification for violence, withdrawal and condemnation. An imaginary disease that religion, science and psychology seek to cure.

The ego makes a false assumption of rejection that, nevertheless, has real consequences. For example, the egoic assumption of separation creates feelings of fear, doubt and worthlessness that necessitates compensatory behaviors of superiority, pride and arrogance. The dramatization of rejection and abandonment justifies self-pity and helpless victimhood that obligates others to come to the rescue. The call for this attention is built upon the absence of awareness of one’s actual Condition of conditions.

Human Operating System (HOS) The set of assumptions that create the criteria from which decisions are made. Either the ego or True Nature.

Inspiration  The inhalation of vision, the exhalation of possibility. The discharge of energy from potential to actual.

Intention  The decision and commitment to create. The willingness to move forward.

Intimacy  The direct and immediate result of Self-ownership. The inevitable consequence of mutual recognition of Essence.

Kingdom of the Heart The Kingdom of the Heart is the realization that only God exists. See essay, Seek First the Kingdom

Nonduality  Only God exists, without an opposite or an “other”. To God, there is no “other”.

Projection  The unloading of one’s unowned content onto another. Framing the other as the source of  one’s victimhood. (See unowned content and victimhood, below.)

Radical Aliveness  The realization of my inherent Essence as infinite Consciousness alive as an apparent individual. The understanding that I do not live, but am lived by a great power alive as all things.

Recognition Conscious acknowledgement of one’s Essence. The effortless attraction of the heart to beauty. The narrow gate of discernment between the real and the counterfeit: The entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. The awareness of the Essence of others.           

Recontextualization  The reorganization and understanding of one’s personal content as a pattern in an infinite field of Consciousness.

Reflection  My behavior as seen through the eyes of others.

Rejection  The assumption that I am not loved when my expectations are not met.

Repentance  The choice to turn from the separate self’s content of experience to the Context of experience. When I understand myself as the awareness of content, I shift to a vastly more comprehensive and stable Context.  

Sacred  The understanding of life as love and the intimacy and reverence that follows.

Self-discipline  The determination to live from a larger Context than that of the ego.

Self-ownership  Personal responsibility for the inherent State of Love; the benefit of recognizing one’s Essence.

Separate self  The belief that Consciousness exists as a result of, and shares the limitations of, the body/mind.

Unowned Content  Unprocessed spiritual, emotional and/or psychological assumptions that are used to justify the transfer of personal responsibility to someone else.

Victimhood A belief in powerlessness. An unwillingness to recognize ones part in an undesirable situation.