Confessions of an Egoholic
From the shock of my birth and the fear of my death, I doubt, and collapse from Love, my True Condition as I dramatize betrayal, abandonment, and worthlessness, creating suffering through self-pity and blame.
I blame others and transfer ownership of myself to them.
I create scapegoats and false gods in my rage.
I destroy Love and betray it while accusing others of betraying me.
I create doubt and fear. When I fear I want security. When I want security, I empower false gods, tyrants, experts, strategies, and substances to save me.
I am a fundamentalist, a fascist, and a tyrant in an ego cult of one.
I enslave others in my hellish condition of dread.
I abuse others with my self-pity.
I dramatize abandonment and rejection to fuel all my other lesser addictions.
I harm myself and others with my addiction to being a false self, an idea, or a victim/robot who imagines itself to be separate from Love.
I am a cultic worshiper in my exclusive ego-cult of one.
I imprison others by my withdrawal from Love.
I condemn others to the dungeons of my lovelessness.
I betray Life by my withdrawal from Love.
My collapse and withdrawal from Love is sickening and starves all my relations.
I use these conditions to justify accusations of betrayal.
I use others’ failure to love me to justify my own failure.
I betray Love and blame others for it.
I reject love, then dramatize betrayal.
I make others wrong.
I impose my agenda.
I am a recovering ego addict because I notice the obvious Beauty and Love at the Heart of Existence and the way in which I obstruct it.
I am not separate from Life and Love. I am free to be in alignment with Life and Love or not.
I am responsible for the consequences of my alignment or non-alignment with Life and Love. I use my non alignment with Life and Love as an excuse and reason for self-pity.
I am inherently, already unified with what is always already the Case: seamless unity between consciousness and matter, God and self, whole and part.
I am recovering from self-pity and the willingness to tolerate lovelessness in myself.
I am a whirlpool in a River of Light.
I do not withdraw from my Actual Condition as a Whirlpool in this River.
I am a recovering ego addict.
I am responsible For and To Love.
I maintain Heartfelt Intimacy with the Truth of Love, the Core of Reality.
I trust the White-Hot Core of Existence.
I trust Life’s Brilliance.
I am thrilled by the Intensity and Freedom and Love of Life.
Life flows from Love, the Condition of all things.
I am Always, Already one with Life
Life is Love; I am That.
Life is Love.
Love is Truth.
Truth is God.
God is Reality.
Reality is Light.
Light is Love.
I Love Life.
I am responsible for Love.
I am responsible to Love.
My revulsion at my failure to love is the beginning of awakening.
My responsibility for Love is authentic spiritual practice.
I am responsible for my choice of contexts, concepts, and conclusions, including their effects, outcomes and consequences.
I am free to love and to be what I already am, or not.
I am responsible for everything I think, say, and do and their effect, implication, and consequence are my responsibility.
I am responsible for the suffering I create.
I am intrinsically intimate with all beings.
I am a recovering ego addict.
Good work. I have read this before and it is worth reading it again. Bravo to you both for caring about human beings. One way that I have interpreted your words and made use of it in my behavior/personality is to respond to the recommendation that you make for “self-ownership.” My interpretation is that I want to be an excellent person and when I work for justice, I expect to be treated fairly, as I treat others with respect. We can form closer communities if we are able to be excellent people. Then you will be excellent to others as a matter of course.