About Us

We fell down a rabbit hole and realized something crucial: For countless millennia, the human race has been invaded, bombarded, beaten, dominated, tortured and imprisoned by nothing more than puny ideas and tiny contexts

The rabbit hole showed us the reality of the situation for the human race: Houses built on sand don’t last. What we were told and believed about ourselves is completely false, lies that have had real and deadly consequences. We are witnessing the aspects of culture, religion and science that have been built on fraud and misrepresentation, and that are collapsing under their own weight. This is cause for celebration.

The antidote is to meet the call to the recognition of one’s Essence, to hear the Lion’s Roar in your heart.

Our work is to volunteer as friends to everyone with ears to hear; to those whose paradigms of Reality may be shifting or falling apart. Our motto is this: Die now, while you have the chance. Die to all that which is not you. You are not your body or mind; you are the awareness shining through them that never changes or dies; like the sky in which the stars appear.

We know it can be disconcerting to witness the cliffs of your ideas about yourself and life drop off into the ocean. Not to worry. The good news is that what does not change is your awareness. This is a monumental shift in identity from belief in a separate self to the freedom of living from your True Nature.

“I have witnessed Susan’s spiritual journey now for almost 18 years and have seen how she has come into her own as a spiritual teacher in her Lion’s Roar ministry. Susan has evolved into a truly inspirational natural healer with the message of Lion’s Roar, which is vital for the health of the people of our Nation in this perilous time in our history.” ~ Deborah Robin Croft, artist

Susan Boskey

Unwilling to live life on the terms of the world and the family I grew up in, I took the path less traveled and suffered the consequences. Needing to do things my way continues to reveal to me society’s spoken (and unspoken) prescriptions for success. But since I don’t believe its formula actually delivers the essential context needed for humans, animals and nature to thrive, I depart in ways that I can. I cultivate reality in view of the miracle of life itself with love and self-ownership as my guides.

I have been challenged to reinvent myself over the years, sometimes much to my chagrin but I dove-in with an honest heart. By the Grace of God I am empowered to be all that I am, and am dedicated to serve the magnificence of life in every way I can. This, for me, is a life worth living.

Robert Cinque

Can we talk?

Radiant Consciousness is alive as Robert Cinque: just another wave in the Ocean. I graduated from Seminary in 1976, went to graduate school at Vanderbilt, and dropped out when I realized it was not the paragon of truth I had thought it was. One by one, I watched in horror as my sacred cows were ground into the hamburger of a spiritual crisis. I had stumbled upon what I considered to be the original gospel of Christ which destroyed the citadels of my university knowledge and life in the ministry.

Compelled to write for my own understanding, and for those in need of sanctuary and shelter, I wanted to serve others by recognizing their deepest essence. The shelter piece is that, for decades, I was a building contractor who then moved on to being the owner of Organic Shelter; I supported my clients to be the contractor so they could control their project and save lots of money. I write because words, for me, are shelters of meaning when rooted in what is actually true and verifiable. Words have the power to induce lucid and permanent understanding.

I enthusiastically share the joy and surprise of my own unraveling and how my uninspected beliefs were demolished by the sheer weight of truth, revealing the blistering radiance of universal intelligence and love shining through all of my personal ordeals, breakups, breakdowns and breakthroughs.